Channel: Doug Mesner – Church of Ahriman (Dakhma of Angra Mainyu)
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Invisible (Internal)


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The term invisible that comes from the Zoroastrian understanding of the spiritual reality that is beyond conception of our 5 physical senses. Some of the best understanding of this comes from Vedic Hinduism and Theosophy (Study of Spirit Science founded by Rudolf Steiner).  A lot of the Theosophical ideas come directly from the Vedas and Tantric understandings, but unfortunately Christianity and Tibetan Buddhism got intertwined as well.  This required a guarded evil mind to sift through what is usable and corruptible to fit our needs as Mainyu devotees.  To make this as easy to follow as possible, we shall start from the inside of our person.

Upon birth, we take our first breath in.  This brings into the body, its soul.  This is our pedometer of our righteous and evil thoughts, speech, and deeds.  Per the universal understanding, the more evil that you produce the heavier your soul gets and the more righteousness you produce the lighter your soul gets.  This is said to rest within your lower abdomen, and it’s possible that is linked into the Manipura Chakra.

This soul is the piece of Ahura Mazda that returns, so that knowledge of the human existence is gained and if the person was righteous enough, power is gained.  This is the link of the righteous with their Asuras and Ahuras.  In Catholicism this is the place the touch during prayer and call it the Son.  In Zoroastrianism, this is Atar whom is a Son of Ahura Mazda, which is represented by the temple fire.   Agri is the guardian of the Manipura Chakra, and he is the courier of our sacrifices to the Daeva.

In appears as religion and spirituality evolved, you will see the concept of this internal trinity creates an absorption of the base aspect of the human being and reduces the human beings into vessels of one god concept.  This blurs the line between the Soul and Chakra as separate spiritual energy forms.  As separate forms you find the base separation of LHP from RHP.  Should you choose through spiritual workings to combine your 3 base Chakras with your Soul, you are now walking on the RHP.

Should you make the decision to walk on the LHP, even Zurathustra taught this, it has to be your conscious decision of your free will to walk either path.  Should one do the flip/flop and not stay on one or the other path, you will attain no spiritual favor.  These folks end up in the sandstorms of purgatory with no reward.  The natural energy that come from the Root and Sacral Chakras are what ignites the Manipura to motivate you into Evil.  If you allow for the Soul to absorb the 3 base Chakras, then it is the Solar Throne (Sun) that ignites the motivation of Righteousness.  The problem is, because Ahriman granted all woman kind the ability to stir concupiscence in the loins of men, the purity of Solar Fire can be over ridden with the lust to reproduce.

This concupiscence leads to what the pious call immoral sexual acts.  These acts are numerous and listing them would be a waste of time, but let’s examine why the pious attempt to refrain from them and normally project the behavior onto others and persecute those who partake in the same activities.  If our animal nature is suppressed, it will contort under the pressure.  This may lead to “perverse” acts of satisfaction that where vexed out by druj (lesser evil).   Depending on the act, violent nature, perversion, receiving orifice, amount of bodily spillage (feces, urine, and menses), and adrenal dump can lead into a “Demonic Possession.”  In general, these types of possesses start low key and appear as a mental illness. If druj isn’t expelled or put under control, it will consume each Chakra one by one.

Once the vital life essence has been consumed, the soul will be corrupted and force the subtle body into its control.  Once this has occurred, if an exorcism is forced onto the demonic host, the host will die because it’s like ripping out barbed vines that are incasing the nerves’ of the demonic host.  This type exorcism is only to save and preserve the Soul for its return to Ahura Mazda.  If the possession is allowed to carry on, the druj will take control of the husk and force it to commit acts it deems worthy of evil.  Once the body dies, the corrupted Soul returns and weakens Ahura Mazda, and the damaged subtle body begins its transformation into a druj that is now commanded by its master druj.

This is the plan set forth by Father Ahriman to attack the pious, righteous, and Ahura Mazda; it also includes how man is used to become a druj that is within Hell’s legions.  This is why it is important to understand the importance of the subtle body and what it is.  What most people recognize as the Soul, is really the Spirit.  The Spirit is a combination of the subtle body and the subconscious mind.  The subtle body is your spiritual essence that passes on from body to body through reincarnation and receives the sense impressions from the subconscious mind.  Think of the subconscious mind as a receiver and supercomputer that passes information along to the subtle body which is like the dark net.

Our Chakras are energy centers that keep our entire being alive with both vital and spiritual essence.  The subtle body pervades throughout the entire being and is interconnected to all the Chakras, Soul, conscious mind, subconscious mind and physical body.  As said earlier, the soul is a pedometer of good and evil production, it also is hard drive that delivers the information learned throughout life as a human.  The Conscious Mind perceives reality through the 5 physical senses, it allows for decision making, and creates thoughts and fantasies that also contributes to the decision making process.  The Subconscious mind can act as a filter for the conscious mind, impresses experiences onto the subtle body, and can act as a rely antennae to the external invisible world.

The other way we can use the interconnection of the Chakras and Spirit is to use religious meditative practices to train the Subconscious Mind to repetitively impress the same information onto the Subtle Body so that impression can be met with the Guardian Daeva of the Chakra.  This creates spiritual sense organs that allows for communication threw the Subtle Body to the Subconscious, which in turn gives intuitive powers from the Chakra Guardians, which are called Siddhi.  These powers include knowledge of past, present, and future; astral travel, empathy, and etc.  This why our same Daeva are used in the Chakra, Dikpala, Astrological, and Religious working.  This helps strengthen our powers inside and out along with stretching our Consciousness into the Purusha through Father Ahriman.

The Chakras are energy centers that are in line with particular aspects of our nervous system that directs important aspects of our being.  These energy centers are normally described as wheels, in actuality they spherical.  Due to the limited movement of our physical eyes, when we work with the images known as Yantra, we can only work with Chakras on a 2 dimensional level.  To help press the impression onto the Subtle Body we use the sense of sight in a way the directly bypasses the Conscious Mind by rotating the eyes counter clock-wise.   This allows for a more direct impression because the Subconscious Mind is receiving the direct repetitive practice without inhibiting any information.

The rotation of counter clock-wise, also known as widdershins, is encased in the lore of rotating against the Sun’s natural rotation on the Northern Hemisphere of the planet.  Both Zoroastrians and Vedic Hindus are worshipers of Solar Deities.  It’s in our best interest to limit our usage of this celestial body in our personal and group workings because it is the throne of the patron deities of the RHP.  We should also limit the amount of time we work with the moon as well, because the moon reflects the Sun’s light and rotates in the same direction as the Sun.  You must respect and know the Moon controls the ebbs and flow of not only the ocean tides, but our chemistry as well.

This is most apparent in women, by way of their menstrual cycle following the phases of the Moon.  In many forms of occult understanding the male is represented by the Sun or an Isosceles Triangle with apex point up and the female is represented by the Moon or an Isosceles Triangle with the apex pointing down.  This leads to the 6 pointed star, which most recognize as the Star of David, in actuality it’s a symbol of sex between a male and female.  Most of the Occult is to master the power creation, if human life is the highest form of life, the creation of another human being is the highest achievement.  The deviation we are working towards, is to use this highly charged creative energy to influence a change in reality to our will.

Looking into the mythos of Melek Taus having Mashay and Mashyanag place their respective seed in individual jars and burying these jars.  After 9 months, Mashay’s jar produced twins (the Sons of Adam) and Mashyanag’s was barren.  One of the lessons in this mythos teaches us that a man’s seed has the ability to create in the spiritual without the need of the women’s seed.  What this means in simple terms, man can project the imagery of change from the Ajna Chakra with the strength of his Will behind it.  This can create a limited effect in reality without a long term sustaining affect, unless he continues to feed the magical stream.

The mythos of Ahriman kissing Jahi, thus blessing womankind with the cycle of menses which in tuned woman to the Moon’s control over the ocean tides.  Woman kind also gained the power of concupiscence over loins of mankind.  Even though Mashyanag’s jar was barren, it was her jar that allows for life to sustain itself.  In order to create a self-sustaining magical affect, the spiritual energy from both partners’ Chakas must be aligned and open.  To make this magical creation in an evil fashion, its best that the female is menstruating, this brings in the Evil Beings to feed off the adrenal energy.

The Moon Cycle lines up with menstrual cycle, and this attracts the most Evil Beings to attend to magical act between the pair or pairs engaged in the sex act.  As mentioned before, the male is projecting the image and his will into the female.  This communicates the goal to the lesser druj and the female’s Subconscious Mind.  She receives the image, seed, and will of the male.  Through her Sahasrara Chakra, the wanted affect and creation is projected to Father Ahriman who then charges affect to push it into Purusha.  That is if Father Ahriman finds the affect to His advantage.

If this Tantric act is way of communicating to the Devil and to project our Will and Vision onto reality, both male and female must prepare and strengthen themselves for this act.  The most difficult part is for both to be able to activate and milk each Chakra before the Will and Vision is projected by the mutual orgasm.  A lot of these, will occur during foreplay leading up the sexual act.  This is why there will be a focus on massaging your own Chakras, to begin the milking process.  Along with using masturbation to release the energy that is produced during process of popping open the Chakra and the Guardian Daeva receiving a charge as well.

All the different pieces fit together, and I will try to explain as clearly as I can how these aspects fit together.  Your physical nervous system and 5 physical senses permeate with your Subtle Body (Spiritual Body).  This is what most people think is their “Soul,” but the Subtle Body is bound to the physical body by the Soul.  This pedometer is housed above lower abdomen where the Muladhara and Swadhisthana Chakras are.  The Muladhara is contained within the nerve bundle from the anus to the perineum (the butthole to the taint), and where the Swadhisthana sits between the Sacrum and the Pubic Symphysis (inside the center of the hip girdle).

Above the Swadhisthana in the center of your being is where the Soul (pedometer) resides in the body.  I find it ironic that it is housed among the intestines where the evil attracting feces comes from, but any food consumption will pass through here.  You charge your food through your hands with either positive or negative emotion or thought.  My theory is, this charged food flips the counter on the pedometer one way or the other because any time we have a high emotional experience we need to eat to replenish all the energy expended from the experience.  My theory is based on information gained through Arda Viraf and other Eastern ideas of Heaven vs Hell.

The concepts of Heaven throughout different aspects of Eastern ideals vary, but the main concept holds true in all of them.  Heaven is a place, happiness and joy, eating good food with good cooperative people that you knew during your life, especially your ancestors.  The aspect of purgatory is loneness and starvation as a period of penance to purify the self, and you see this reflection when “holy” men fast or go on sabbatical.  Hell is a place of isolation within a darkness so thick it can be cut with a knife, and the smell so putrid it would choke the life out of any living being.  The punishment using forced attrition of eating excrement, menses, and include vile acts to consume human waste or human flesh.

Since the Spiritual is supposed to be a reflection of the physical, this is how the RHP has related the afterlife or Spiritual realm.  This same type of reflection can also be found in the understanding that the human body is miniature living shrine of the cosmos.  This teachings gives us the understanding that if we a miniature living shrines of the cosmos, then we choose to be a living embodiment of Ahzi-Dahaka.  It was Ahzi-Dahaka who held the Devil’s power of creation in human form.  We just need to unlock the serpent’s power found through our internal Chakra which reflect the planets in the Solar System.

The Manipura Chakra is in the Solar Plexus, found between the Kidneys and behind the Pancreas.  Prana is the universal life force that permeates everything throughout the universe, and it is the Manipura Chakra that has a direct connection to Sun.  This connection to the Solar Throne must be monitored closely, and requires reclusive behavior to limit the amount of direct Solar Prana we absorb.  We work Magic at Night and in the Dark because of a 2 fold purpose, so that Solar Entities sight is encumbered and people’s subconscious is most open to spiritual influence while they are dreaming.  The spiritual and psychic space is at its clearest and open without the energy exchange of prayer between the Solar Throne and the Solar Worshiper.

We choose to charge our Manipura Chakra in the Moon Light because it casts the reflection of the Solar Throne.  This Moon Prana acts as a filter for the Prana that we use to fuel our internal spiritual energy.  Just as the female’s menstrual cycle is controlled by the phases of the moon, so is all of our Prana charging controlled.  Follow the astrological movements of the Moon to exact your external magical workings.  Charging your Manipura Chakra with the Black Flame of Lunar’s Prana leads to undefiled wisdom.

The Anahata Chakra is located between the Heart, which sets hbetween the lungs at the Cardiac Notch, and the Thoracic Vertebrae 5-7.  This where the Thoracic Spine is most convex, and the exchange of breath occurs.  This exchange is important to us because the elements most associates with order if Fire and Air, and Air is what we are breathing.  While working with entities of any kind, breathing in the nose and out of the mouth is a necessity because Ahuric (angelic) forms enter through the mouth.  This is how they possess, through the Anahata Chakra the Ahuric entities have control of the actions of the arms and hands.

When an Ahuric entity takes control of these heart felt actions, these action are beyond space, time, and karma.  The reason this is, is because Ahuric entities have no free will.  They only serve the Will of Ahura Mazda, and this how people can become a vessel for Gawd.  These entities have to be invited by way of speech.  Their plan is force man to receive this, and submit to Gawd’s will.

The purpose of the amulet or talisman is to ward off this type of entity to approach and to invite the Daeva entity to know you are one of them.  The real reason why Christians wear the symbol of the cross is because they constantly put the crossroad over their Anahata Chakra.  This allows for free passage of the Ahuric entity to move in and out of the possess, and this is how the Gawd is always monitoring its sheeple.  This is why we encourage our people to where the symbol of Ahriman or the Ohm symbol of Nanshait.  Symbol of Ahriman is most offensive because it has the 3 sigils of Ahriman, Melek Taus, and Jahi, where the Ohm symbol will just be ignored by the Ahuric Entities.

By offending or becoming invisible to the Ahuras, we can allow for the internal crossroad at this Chakra to express itself where the masculine and the feminine energies meet and meld together.  During the Tantric magical act is where the two physical beings will connect and become one spiritually.  Just as the Ahuras can use this Chakra to create acts outside of time, space, and karma. We can use this same parameters of this Chakra’s precedence to communicate our will directly to the Daeva without the hindrance of time, space, and karma.  They work our will without the karmic influence pressing on our Subtle Body.

Vishuddha Chakra sits amongst the Thyroid Gland at the 3rd Cervical Vertebrae.  The Larynx (voice box) is directly below starting at the 4th Cervical Vertebrae.  Speech is how we push will out to create and manipulate reality.  Evil Speech and blasphemy not only frees us from enslavement, it creates our environment we live in.  The vibration of a tonal magical language leaves patterns that reflect symbols used to speak and those symbols either unlock pathway for spiritual entities or communicate a specific information to prepare the entities for the request.

Evil Mind is a combination of the Ajna and Manas Chakras.  Ajna Chakra is also known as the Third Eye and is located around the Pineal Gland and has direct access to the spiritual through the point on the forehead just above the brow in the center. This where the spiritual sense organs develop and the Siddhis come to us.  This is the spiritual generator and antenna for the Subconscious Mind.  Just above is the Minor Chakra, Manas, its job is to communicate 5 physical sense impressions to the Ajna Chakra, Sahasrara, and Subtle Body.  It also communicates to the Ajna Chakra when you are asleep.

Sahasrara Chakra is where the Bregma (this is where the 3 main sutures close the soft spot after birth) is on top of the skull.  This Chakra opens us to what the Hindus refer to as Akasha (Akatasha is Evil Mind), this is the aether or the element known as space.  Connecting to space brings the knowledge of universal order, which why we allow the Serpent of Ahriman rest upon the Sahasrara Chakra.  This gives us direct link to the knowledge of universal chaos and the undoing of time and space.  Through the internal serpent rising through the Kundalini and the Devil’s spiritual serpent wrapped around us, all brought into alignment together, is how we become Living Embodiments of Ahzi-Dahaka.

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