What is sacrifice? Simple really, to offer up devotional energy to the Invisible. This usually requires a burnt offering, that also has a request. This is a basic mode of magical exchange in working with deities. In Traditional Ahrimanism we have different types of sacrifice that are based on different types requests or magical workings. The most important sacrifice that holds the most vibration and power is the Evil Speech, and really don’t care what language its in but depending on the deities it maybe be best to use the language they are used to.
First we teach sacrifice in the form of offering up sexual lust energy to the Daeva as a form of adrenal energy that effects the Invisible and the Subtle Body. This type of sacrifice has many different reasons behind it. Concupiscence is the base of the Devil and His worship, and self-pleasure through narcissistic masturbatory behavior in a mirror teaches one to have sexual self love. It also teaches independence on self to sate ones desires without dependence on another, and that teaches interdependence that is required on the LHP at the most basal form. It also allows us to be able to perform sexually in group sexual rites known as High Magic Rituals.
Second type of sacrifice we teach is through the devotion of Evil Speech. This reading aloud prayers, singing hymns, intoning Enochian Keys, and/or intoning mantras. Evil Speech includes blasphemy, apostasy, lies, deceit, gossip, conspiracy, painful truth, false statements, instigation, influence, accusations, rumors, or any other type of speech that degrades a person or their reputation. Within all our prayers, mantras, Enochian Keys, and hymns you find us praising evil and denouncing good. We ask that evil over powers and destroys good in the processes. These vibrations of praise is what sustains the Daeva that we work with.
Third type of ritual sacrifice that we do is called the Devil’s Yasna. This is an inversion of the Zoroastrian Yasna, which is a daily fire ritual the Zoroastrian priest do daily. Its to praise Ahura Mazda and the Ahuras, spiritually cleanse the altar area with blessed water, drink Haoma, eat bread, and ask for the Invisible’s help for lay persons as well. This is the Zoroastrian adaptation of the Vedic Hindu Yajna, where Soma is drank and different types of plants and mantras are offer to the fire pit. The fire pot is also apart of the Zoroastrian Yasna, but fire is used by both religions differently. The vehicle of fire to the Zoroastrians is a means of judgement and purification for the priest, and allows for pure communication with Ahura Mazda; where as the Agni is fire and the offerings with the mantras is how the Vedic Hindu priest sends his sacrifice to the Deva.
We use the Devil’s Yasna to give Angra Mainyu the same type of sustaining worship and sacrifice, while attacking Ahura Mazda and the Ahuras. We collect menses fluid and other sexually charged fluids in a menses pot. This menses pot is used to corrupt the altar area with the fluids collected and costume blood is used as filler, and the blood is also used in the same way milk is poured over an idol of Shiva or a Shiva Lingam. While this ritual is occurring, congregants or encouraged to meditate and offer up visualization of their desires that they are working toward. At the end, the congregants perform the Yatus Confirmation, which gives them the opportunity to commune with Nanshait and offer sacrifice.
The outdoor fire ritual, is different and is used to celebrate the Solstices and Equinoxes. These rituals are designed to offer up specific types of poisons as sacrifice to the Daeva. We burn sulfur, nightshade, and blood root knowing damn well what types of effects it can have on our person. The soma sacrifice is also mixed with the fly amanita to bring about control to the effect. The head clergy burns the noxious poisons, and the congregants sacrifice nails or hair, sexual/menses fluids, and feces. This filth is offered to the Daeva by Agni.
High Magic Rituals are a Tantric process that requires the milking of chakras between the priest and spiritual flesh altar. We have a systematic way of the couple to pop open each other’s base chakras through oral sex and mutual masturbation. Then the couple become connected at the Anahata Chakra we their combined energy and will connect. Then together is specific tantric sexual concourse, the priest opens his Ajna Chakra to press the visual magical desire. The spiritual flesh altar’s Crown Chakra is milked open by a uterine orgasm, thus the priest’s organism pushes all the visual magical desire, combined will, and the superimposed Daeve through the Altar’s chakras; into Purusha to create the magical effect on both sides of reality.
These sacrifices are what give the Daeva the energy to sustain themselves. The sexual energy gives the extra to work our desires communicated to them. The Tantric Sexual Sacrifice is how communicate with Purusha, and allow the Daeva to weave the change in the Purusha. This creates the long term affects to both sides of reality. The purpose of sacrifice to work with the Daeva on a respectful level, instead of torture in an entrapping symbol.